能量盐房疗愈 Energy Salt Room Therapy

价格范围从 RM 90.00 到 RM 190.00

  • 量子医学
  • 负离子
  • 远红外线
  • 标量波
  • 太赫磁能量波
  • 平衡整体身心灵健康
  • 疏解压力
  • 舒缓疼痛
  • 提升睡眠品质






附加:您可以进行 气场阅读分析,肌肉测试或活血分析以证明您治疗后的效果。





  • 这是现场(面对面)的疗愈,您应与我们预约到我们中心做治疗的时间。
  • 付款成功后,您就可以与我们预约治疗时间。
  • 我们不开放门市(除非有紧急情况),因此,请提前3天预约。
  • 您可以通过 Whatsapp(客户服务)或 如果您是我们的会员,您可以在您的的会员区(评论处)进行预约。
  • 客户服务 Whatsapp 012 282 7203 / 016 381 5236 / 014 900 5546

  • 购买的疗程拥有一年 (12个月 / 365天)有效期,从您下单并成功付款开始算起。 您随时可以使用它。
  • 但是,既然买了,我们建议您尽快使用它来体验效果。
  • 如果您购买了几次疗程,则建议勤劳地使用它,以达到最佳的健康改善效果。
  • 每个疗程持续 60分钟,如有另加一小时将被视为另一疗程。
  • 我们的系统将捕获您为每种疗法购买的数量,并将其存储到我们的数据库中作为记录。 每次您来接受治疗时,系统都会扣除已用取的特定治疗疗程。
  • 每次疗程结束后,我们都会向您发出收据 / 对帐单,其中会显示您当天使用了多少种疗法与次数,以及帐户中的余额。
  • 这个疗愈能够转移给他人或购买为礼品送家人朋友。如果您要转移给其他人请尽早通知以便我们为您安排。我们需要接受转移的人的个人资料以便我们输入系统以作安排。

  • 购买的疗法疗程无法退款或退货。
  • 如有需要在有合理理由或情况下,可以将其更改为另一种疗法。

我们用 “爱” 工作,因此我们将其称为 “爱生命”
我们用爱创造,这就是为什么我们称其为 PUREAL(纯真)!

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Cheri分享她在我们能量盐室的经验 Cheri sharing her experience in our Energy Salt Room

Wye Sam的能量盐室分享 Energy Salt Room Ecperience Sharing by Wye Sam

能量盐室疗法分享 Energy Salt Room Therapy Sharing

能量盐室疗法 Energy Salt Room Therapy

  • Quantum Medicine
  • Negative Ion
  • Far Infrared
  • Scalar Wave
  • Terahertz
  • Balance Body Mind Soul
  • Stress Relief
  • Pain Relief
  • Improve Sleep Quality

Appointment : Please note that, for current situation, we only accept booking by appointment.

Consultation : First time consultation may take up one hour or more depend on how willing client share their problem to us and how much questions they have. We are now offering Free consultation to all client (Normal consultation price is RM180 per hour)

Further Consultation : For second session therapy onwards, we will have ongoing consultation for all clients. The number and duration of consultation will vary on case by case.

Therapy Duration : 60 minutes and more (depends on individual circumstances)

Therapy venue : At our healing center

What is include : This therapy come with Frequencies Healing (Music Therapy) and a Steam Eye Mask (All Free). Before and after consultation and analysis.

Additional : Base on case, we may include additional service such like essential oil for insomnia problem, transdermal therapy (Magnesium Oil) for pain, special tea for emotional problems, etc. For most cases, we will treat these as extra service but sometimes we may charge for the extra service. All depends on individual needs.

Total estimate time at our center : For new client, you may spend longer time in our center. This is due to consultation time, therapy time, after treatment consultation, want to understand more and also before after analysis. 

Regular client will probably need another 30 minutes of additional time (Total 90 minutes) to spend at our center.
But normally our clients like to stay longer with us to chit chat and test of our unique energy products.
They always discover amazing new stuffs here!

Punctuality : Please be on time as we may have another booking after your session!             
                         15 minutes waiting time is given for every clients.

Please inform us as soon as possible if there's any changes of time!

About Delivery Policy
  • This is an in person therapy in our Energy Salt Room, make your appointment with us for your therapy session.
  • As soon as after payment is successful, you can book your therapy appointment with us.
  • We do not serve walk in (unless there is emergency), therefore, please make your appointment 3 days in advance.
  • Appointment can be make via Whatsapp (Customer service) or in your member area (under comment) if you are our member.
  • Customer service Whatsapp 012 282 7203 / 016 381 5236 / 014 900 5546

About Term of Use
  • Therapy bought is valid for one year (12 months / 365 days) starting from the date of purchase. You can use it whenever you feel you want to.
  • However, we suggest you use it as soon as possible to experience the effects.
  • If you have bought a few sessions, then it is advisable to use it consistently in order to achieve optimum health improvement results.
  • Each therapy session is last for 60 minutes, additional hour will be consider as another session.
  • Our system will capture the quantity you bought for each therapy and will store into our database as a record. Every time you come for a therapy, the system will deduct the specific therapy session which is already taken. 
  • Each time after your therapy session, we will issue you with a receipt / statement where it will show how many therapy you have use on the very day and the balance of therapy in your account.
  • This Energy Salt Room therapy can be bought as a gift and therefore, it can be transfer to any person you like. But you have to acknowledge us in advance to transfer it to another person in order for us to make arrangement in our system. We will need the personal detail of the person that you want to give to.

About Return Policy
  • Therapy bought cannot be refund or return.
  • It can be change to another type of therapy with reasonable reason.

We work with Love that's why we called it LoveLife,
We make with Love that's why we called it PUREAL (Pure & Real)!

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Cheri分享她在我们能量盐室的经验 Cheri sharing her experience in our Energy Salt Room

Wye Sam的能量盐室分享 Energy Salt Room Ecperience Sharing by Wye Sam

能量盐室疗法分享 Energy Salt Room Therapy Sharing

能量盐室疗法 Energy Salt Room Therapy

